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Komplikace vyplývající z neposkytnutí relevantních klinických údajů patologovi vyšetřujícímu placenty

Publikace na Lékařská fakulta v Plzni |


Objective: To inform gynecologists-obstetricians about the problems associated with pathological examination of placentas, with special regard to the possibility of crucial role of complete and relevant clinical data in establishing the correct pathological diagnosis. Design: Case report and overview of the problems associated with examination of placentas by pathologist.

Setting: Sikl s Institute of Pathology, Faculty Hospital and Medical Faculty Pilzen of the Charles University in Prague; Biopticka laborator, s.r.o., Pilzen. Methods: Own observation in the setting of routine pathological examination.

Results: Case report representing a typical complication resulting from insuff icient interdiscipli nary communication describes a case of unsatisfactory result of pathological investigation of placenta due to the missing clinical information about complications of the late phase of pregnancy which eventually led to intrauterine death of the fetus. Due to the absence of the clinical information of paramount importance, the initial investigation of placenta was untargeted and thus imperfect.

Therefore, the primary investigation of the placenta did not reveal pathological changes responsible for the complications of pregnancy. It was only the revision of material necessitated by the information additionally conveyed by gynecologist-obstetrician leading to the final correct pathological diagnosis, which even averted the possibility of serious forensic consequences.