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Manuscript Fragments in the National Museum Library. Shelf Mark 1 E c

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


Shelf mark 1 E c in the collection of fragments in the Czech National Museum Library comprises a total of 98 catalogue items. It mostly includes fragments dated to the High and Late Middle Ages (14th and 15th century).

Earlier fragments have been placed under this shelf mark rather exceptionally. The period of the origin of particular fragments within the shelf mark is also reflected in their material: the parchment prevails.

Roughly one-eighth of the fragments are decorated with illuminations, although these mostly comprise only ornamental initials. In terms of languages, shelf mark 1 E c is strongly dominated by Latin fragments.

Nevertheless, the corpus also includes Czech fragments (the Bible, letters and documents, vocabularies, The Life of Christ, sermons by John of Rokycany). One can marginally find German and Hebrew as well.

Thematically, the fragments placed under shelf mark 1 E c are relatively heterogeneous. Almost a half is formed by parts of liturgical manuscripts and a considerable share of these fragments contains even sheet-music sections.

More than one-tenth of the shelf mark is represented by Bible fragments. Fragments of shelf mark 1 E c also comprise fragments of theological works (e.g. the treatises by Richard of St Victor, David of Augsburg, or Hugh Ripelin).

Not even preaching literature and texts of prayers and religious songs are missing in the fragments. Secular texts are represented by several genres (diplomatic documents, correspondence, fragments of various dictionaries, or texts on grammar).