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Saga of Hervör - Hervarar saga

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


A bilingual Old Norse-Czech edition of Hervarar saga. HS is counted among the so called fornaldarsögur (heroic-legendary sagas) and contains a number of mythological motifs, as well as folklore and legendifyed history.

The prose text is interspersed with poetry in eddic metres, esp. Hlödskvida ("The Battle of the Goths and Huns"), one of the oldest extant eddic poems, Hervararkvida ("The Waking of Angantýr") about the heroine's encounter with her undead father and Heidreks gátur ("The Riddles of Heidrekr"), which is a unique collection of Old Norse riddles.

In this edition the text of the saga is preceded with comprehensive introduction into the genre and the cultural and historical context, and followed by systematic overview of manuscript variants and genealogy of the characters in the saga. The bilingual text itself is equipped with critical apparatus and footnotes.