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How do socio-demographic characteristics influence separate collection of municipal waste? Case study of the Czech Republic

Publication at Faculty of Science |


Socio-demographic development currently ongoing in the Czech Republic and other developed countries influence broad range of aspects of social life including practical questions of waste management. This article aims at relation between socio-demographic characteristics of inhabitants in municipalities and production of recyclables.

For this purpose, 13 variables describing inhabitants, households and housing in 4 897 Czech municipalities were selected that can influence the production of recyclables according to foreign studies. Data was analysed using multidimensional linear regression.

Eventhough the resulting model explains only 9%, it is statistically significant and implies that socio-demographic variables can help with explaining of production of recyclables. From this point of view, important variables are average household size, share of tertiary educated people, share of family houses, purchasing power per person, percentage of people employed in agriculture and sex ratio.