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Beyond the sentence: analysis of shifts in the segmentation of sentences in translations from the French-Czech parallel corpus

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


This study explores shifts in segmentation of sentences in translations from Czech into French and vice versa. On the basis of data from the core of the InterCorp parallel corpus, the study tries to find out the reasons and the consequences of these shifts, and suggests, as one of the possible explanations, the influence of the translation universals, namely explicitation, simplification, normalization or levelling out (see 8.2).

The quantitative part of the paper (8.3) focuses on comparing the use of punctuation in both languages, using monolingual corpora (FRANTEXT, SYN), non-translated texts of the core of the InterCorp parallel corpus and the comparable translation corpus Jerome. The second part of the study (8.4), based on a manual analysis of 4001 non1:1 segments from the InterCorp parallel corpus, analyzes in detail specific examples of the shifts.