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"We don't want anything, we don't demand anything, we reclaim what is ours!" Sociology of the newest social movements

Publication at Faculty of Humanities, Faculty of Arts |


The article deals with concept of newest social movements (Richard Day). This movements which have been developing during the last twenty years of neoliberal governance act through prefigurative direct actions.

They are conscious attempts to alter, impede, destroy and construct alternatives to dominant structures, processes, practices and identities. They challange logic of hegemony and seek to change to the root, thay want to address not just content of current modes of domination and exploitation, but also the forms that give rise to them.

They proceed by logic of affinity, that is based on non-universalizing, non-hierarchical, non-coercive relationships and mutual aid and shared ethical commitments. The article argues to understand and explore this movements and non-branded tactics it is necessary to research them with a new theoretical perspectives.