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The right to possess and carry a firearm in frame of the Czech legal order as a natural or constitutionally protected right of an indi- vidual?

Publication at Faculty of Law |


Is or would it be possible to consider the right to possess and carry a firearm in frame of the Czech legal order as a natural or constitutionally protected right of an individual? Can therefore this repeated statement of current opponents to further restrictions of access of civilians to firearms be applied in Czech legal environment? The author of this article focuses on historical genesis of right to possess and carry a firearm on today's Czech Republic territory and compares it to this institute in the US where this right is directly guaranteed and protected by the second Amendment of the Constitution of the United States. Author especially describes how the right to possess and carry a firearm is understood by the Czech legal doctrine and how on the other is considered by the Supreme Court of the United Stated and by the American legal doctrine and summarizes the essential differences between these two diametrically opposed legal cultures.