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The Normalization of Relations between Kosovo and Serbia: A Regional Security Complex Perspective

Publication at Faculty of Social Sciences |


The article studies from a regional security complex (RSC) perspective the Western Balkans. It argues that the relation between Serbia and Kosovo is in the center of this complex.

It examines the most successful channel of normalization of their mutual relations so far - the Brussels dialogue, how it contributed to the evolution of the RSC and what are the prospects of both the normalization and the RSC. The main finding is that though dialogue brought some level of cooperation and eased the relations on the political level; it did not contribute much to the general normalization of relations between Kosovo and Serbia.

The Western Balkans RSC remained a security regime. The main reasons for little progress are lack of genuine intent to resolve the conflict by both adversaries and division in the international community.

The evolution of the RSC is highly determined by the will of adversaries and the international environment. External stakeholders can either foster the deterioration of mutual relations between adversaries or help to resolve their disputes.

The outcome depends on the unity of their approach.