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Generalizing structures in secondary modeling systems Generalizing structures in secondary modeling systems Generalizing structures in secondary modeling systems

Publication at Faculty of Humanities |


The main aim of the study is to explore if there is a possible generalization structure of value in the language of art. This issue is based on texts of Jurij Lotman (Structure of Art Text and Primary and secondary communication modeling systems) and, in a contradiction, Jan Mukařovský (Intentionality and Unintentionality in art, Study 1.).

Is it possible to separate a form of organising principle of art work, which would bear its essential mechanism? So the main question is if the art piece is open to the reader through the references of shared archetypes and values which are hidden inside of its structure or if art piece, as unique ensemble of signs, doesn't stand in front of spectator as an invitation for active participation which would enrich his aesthestetic experience. Another task of a paper is a question of an art work transformation determined by culture environment.

The reference in this sense might be understood as an intention, through which we should interpret the art work, or as impulse for a creation of a new piece. In this case we would be rather interested in possible absence of components, which we share across a cultures.

By analysing of cultural products, I would like to find out, if the presence of generalization of values in art piece works only as communicational intention and narrative or if it's a norm which secures understanding among different cultures.