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Optical probes and sensors as perspective tools in epigenetics

Publication at First Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport |


Modifications of DNA cytosine bases and histone posttranslational modifications play key roles in the control of gene expression and specification of cell states. Such modifications affect many important biological processes and changes to these important regulation mechanisms can initiate or significantly contribute to the development of many serious pathological states.

Therefore, recognition and determination of chromatin modifications is an important goal in basic and clinical research. Two of the most promising tools for this purpose are optical probes and sensors, especially colourimetric and fluorescence devices.

The use of optical probes and sensors is simple, without highly expensive instrumentation, and with excellent sensitivity and specificity for target structural motifs. Accordingly, the application of various probes and sensors in the recognition and determination of cytosine modifications and structure of his tones and histone posttranslational modifications, are discussed in detail in this review.