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The Late Bronze Age Settlement History of Emporio on Chios Reconsidered

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


This paper focuses on the revision of the Late Bronze Age pottery sequence from the Eastern Aegean island of Chios. The focus is set on new stratigraphic and typological assessment of the Middle and especially the Late Bronze Age ceramic material mainly from areas D and F at Emporio.

The pottery from these areas was originally published by its excavator, Sinclair Hood, in 1981 and 1982. Since the 2nd Millennium deposits seemed to be of a very disturbed and mixed nature, Hood dated all of the pottery from these deposits predominantly stylistically and assigned to not so well defined periods of time (EBA III, MBA and earlier part of LBA).

However, due to the relatively precise documentation it was possible to reconstruct original stratigraphic contexts, which in the end turned out to be far less mixed to what Hood expected. This examination of the finds shows that the artificially created group called Troy III-V, most of his Matt-Painted pottery and also the so-called group of pre-Mycenaean pottery, actually belong to horizon, dating roughly to Early Mycenaean period.

Important contribution is also a new dating of the later stratigraphic contexts based on more precisely dated Mycenaean painted pottery through P. Mountjoy.

This in turn enables us to better date the other types of associated pottery present at Emporio. The most important results are thus the completely reconstructed and re-dated stratigraphic contexts and building phases as well as new typology of ceramic collection dated mainly to the late Bronze Age.

This earlier published ceramic collection is complemented by as yet unpublished fragments of pottery.