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Quae non cernuntur oculis, leve corde feruntur : G. W. Leibniz and Aby Warburg

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


The paper dealt with the conceptual kinship of G. W.

Leibniz and Warburg, who incorporated the elements of Leibniz's ideas into his art-historical system thanks to Ernst Cassirer. Warburg's concept of Patos as waving butterfly wings has changed our perception of works of art and history itself.

Let me say, however, that this is not just an art-historical term, more precisely a historical-philosophical term in the field of art. His legacy as a phantom of history, dybbuk, intertwined with the history of the methodology of art history, is so much current today.

For this reason, the question of the impact of Ernst Cassirer's philosophical system on Warburg's work is the subject of my thinking of unitas multiplex as a perspective of history.