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LinkedPipes ETL in Use: Practical Publication and Consumption of Linked Data

Publication at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


Companies and institutions now realize the potential of Linked Open Data (LOD) and they start publishing their own data as LOD. However, publishing LOD is still a challenging task.

One of the main reasons is a lack of user friendly tooling which would properly support the whole LOD publishing process. The process typically consists of source data extraction, transformation to RDF, alignment with commonly used vocabularies, linking to other datasets, computing metadata, publishing on the web as a dump, loading into a triplestore and recording the dataset in a data catalog such as CKAN.

In this paper we present LinkedPipes~ETL, a tool for ETL-like LOD publishing, which mainly focuses on supporting such LOD publishing workflows in a user friendly way. In addition, the tool also eases consumption of already existing LOD data sources as it addresses some of the practical issues associated with it.

Finally, the tool itself uses Linked Data technologies for representation of the ETL processes. We describe LinkedPipes ETL and its main distinguishing features in context of the use cases in which the tool has already been deployed.

They include an institution of public administration, a municipality, a university, a software company and an open data initiative.