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"Inter-administrative tie" of administrative acts in the EU law

Publication at Faculty of Law |


Article deals with specific phenomenon of "inter-administrative tie", which some of the norms of the EU law award to administrative acts, issued by national administrative authorities. This "inter-administrative tie" implies the fact, that legal consequences of these acts are not limited to the territory of a single state, but they constitute legal effects also in the territory of other states.

The phenomenon isn't based on a mere fiction, but rather on transboundary effects of certain administrative acts. Consequently, the "inter-administrative tie" implies a specific relation of reciprocity between the states concerned.

Such reciprocity implies that a state issues administrative acts, having implications outside its own territory and at the same time the state accepts implications of foreign administrative acts in its own territory. Article deals not only with the content of this phenomenon, but also with application problems arising vis-á-vis national legislation.