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New book of Nomenclature of organic compounds

Publication at Faculty of Science |


Nomenclature of organic compounds is one of the expected topics in czech frame education program for high school. High school teachers are addressing this theme during chemistry classes even if the topis is quite unpopular even between university students.

Sometimes issues are rising due to pupils questions which the teachers can not solve even with the help of the literature. Czech nomenclature books and brochures such as "Průvodce názvoslovím organických sloučenin podle IUPAC" translated by Jaroslav Kahovec, František Liška and Oldřich Paleta or "Názvosloví organické chemie" by Jaroslav Fikr and Jaroslav Kahovec or coursebooks for high school explain the rules for each group of compounds separately and with easy to understand examples, which are also repeated in different books on the topic.

We offer new brochure which is currently published by Academia with rules explanations and proper and less known examples of them.