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Projective methods in psychological diagnosis

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


Projective methods represent the basic tool for investigating personality and its characteristics. They are used across diverse psychological disciplines, especially in the clinical field.

Working with these methods poses significant requirements for skills and knowledge of the practitioner. This publication should help to gain and enhance these.

The book offers orientation in the division of projective methods as well as a view into the history and theoretical basis of the individual methods. However, the focus of the text is the description and outline of the projective methods' usage by adults.

A whole spectrum of verbal, graphical, and manipulative projective methods will be presented. A larger part is dedicated to more challenging methods, in particular Rorschach's method, Thematic Apperception Test, and the Rosenzweig Picture Frustration test.

The text is further enriched by numerous practical examples of using projective techniques in psycho-diagnostic and psychotherapeutic fields. The authors of the publication are psychologists PhDr.

Kristina Najbrtová, prof. PhDr.

Jiří Šípek, Ph.D., PhDr. Katarína Loneková, Ph.D., a PhDr.

David Čáp, Ph.D., working at the faculty of psychology FFUK.