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Developement of syntax in written Czech at the pupils of upper primary school

Publication at Faculty of Education |


The text deals with the development and characteristic of written syntax of the Czech language used by older school age pupils based on the material of written assignments - style narration. Based on the analysis of selected textual characteristics of two sets of texts - (1) pupils of 6th, 7th and 8th grade of basic school in a small town / village, (2) pupils of 6th, 7th and 8th grade of basic school in a bigger city - the state of current written syntax used by pupils of older school age is described.

Mapping the usage of written syntax used by pupils of 6th, 7th and 8th grade of basic school is one particular objective of the research "Development of Syntax of Written Czech Used by Older School Age Pupils" which is supported by the Grant Agency of Charles University.