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Commercial Suburbanization in the Vicinity of Prague Airport in Ruzyně

Publication at Faculty of Science |


The chapter focuses on the subject of commercial suburbanization. The main purpose of the chapter is to evaluate whether the concept of the edge city is also relevant in the Central European context.

It is chosen a model area of a north-western area of Prague, around the airport in Ruzyně. This area is - precisely because of the rapidly developing airport - a developing one with the potential of an important junction interconnecting various commercial activities concentrated in a relatively small space.

Having evaluated the structure and arrangement of various types of commercial activities in the area, it is then focused on a detailed analysis of commuting to work, assessing its volume, directions, source and target places and the structure of commuters themselves, particularly in terms of their level of education. The results bear out the importance of the airport area for the job market in Prague and its hinterland.

Although the locality probably does not meet the conditions to be considered an edge city, a number of other similarities to the development of analogous localities elsewhere in the world could be identified.