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Gender Gap in Skill formation: Theoretical Perspective Presented on SOCIOLOGIE, VEŘEJNÉ A SOCIÁLNÍ POLITIKY A PŘÍBUZNÝCH SPOLEČENSKÝCH VĚD - 2017 (Doctoral Conference)

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The study will focus on how the bioecological model of Bronfenbrenner and theory of skill formation be applied to answer what gender gap exists in cognitive and psycho-social skills among children in different settings and how the gap evolves over the course of children's development. The data comes from the Young Lives Project, a longitudinal study tracking the lives of children in four developing countries.

The data will be framed and explained by the bioecological model of Urie Bronfenbrenner and the theory of skill formation. The bioecological model deals with the concept of process, person, context and time.

This theory is interdisciplinary and emphasizes the scientific and practical benefit of a closer linkage between developmental research and public policy. The theory of skill formation allows the study to recognize gaps in the literature and the possibilities for a variety of interventions to promote child outcomes.

Hence, this study will look at the pros and cons of the frameworks and their empirical testability.