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Humoral response of mice infected with Toxocara canis following different infection schemes

Publication at Faculty of Science, First Faculty of Medicine |


The study was focused on the dynamics of humoral response to Toxocara canis excretory-secretory antigens (TES antigens) in mice experimentally infected by T. canis L3 larvae in different ways. In particular, we compared the effect of infection with two doses of 1000 larvae vs. repeated infections with a low number of larvae (daily infection with 10 larvae and weekly infection with 100 larvae in the course of 22 weeks).

In ELISA, all infections, including both schemes with lower larval doses, elicited significant antibody response. Elevated levels of total IgE and TES-antigen-specific IgM were detected on day 12 after the first infection, followed by IgG and IgG1, and later by IgG3, IgG2a and IgG2b; specific IgE response was not detected.

It seems that the high levels of IgM and lgG1 represent the best markers of infection. In addition, gradual increase of IgG2a and IgG2b could help in determination of the infection course.

As a byproduct of our work, a new method of infection by repeated drinking of larvae was introduced; it minimizes the pain and discomfort for the experimental mice.