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Microneedling - a form of collagen induction therapy - our first experiences

Publication at Central Library of Charles University, Third Faculty of Medicine |


In our pilot study, after obtaining informed consent, we used the Dermaroller(R) on six patients (2 males, 4 females; age 25-73 years) with stabilized scars (1-33 years after injury) after meshed split thickness skin grafting. The extent of the treated area was between 1-4.5% TBSA.

For topical anaesthesia we used EMLA(R) cream, and a customized pharmacy-made 10% lidocaine ointment in a combination with intramuscular application of analgesics. Post procedure the area was covered with a sterile occlusive dressing with Vaseline gauze and Chlorhexidine ointment.

The procedure was repeated in each patient three times within an interval of 6-8 weeks. The results were documented photographically.

The status of the scar was objectively evaluated with the VSS. With the subjective evaluation we focused on pain and tension within the scar.