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Manifestations of Bias in News Coverage of the Migrant Crisis Provided by Prima Czech Commercial Television Station

Publication at Faculty of Social Sciences |


Media system of the Czech Republic is composed of public service as well as of commercial media. Commercial television stations are also included in this media system.

Their functioning is subject to the relevant legal norms and ethical principles. These norms and principles also contain the requirement to provide objective reporting.

This requirement is even enshrined in articles 2 and 3 of § 31of Act No. 231/2001 Coll., On Radio and Television Broadcasting and Amending Other Laws, as amended. Comments on objectivity of news coverage of the migration crisis presented by Prima television station appeared last year.

This contribution first summarizes the evolution of the case and also presents the existing conclusions of the Czech Council for Radio and Television Broadcasting released in this case as well as responses from FTV Prima Company. Then it offers a theoretical framework on the issue of objectivity, bias, gatekeeping and social control in the newsrooms and provides an interpretation of the case in the context of these theoretical concepts.