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Speech intelligibility in noise at presbycusis

Publication at First Faculty of Medicine |


Evaluation of speech recognition is possible by presenting testing material in sentence form with presence of competitive noise. We developed new test of sentence intelligibility in noise in the Czech language.

This article demonstrates results of the influence of the babble noise on sentence intelligibility in hearing impaired listeners with presbycusis. The time characteristics of babble noise are similar to human voice.

That is the reason why this noise masking is more enhanced at the central hearing level than any other noise masking. A group of 423 persons was divided into younger group (age from 40 to 65 years, N = 191, mean age 55.8 years.) and older group (age from 66 to 85 years, N = 232, mean age 75.4 years).

For these two age groups, we compared the test performance in the subgroups stratified by the speech audiometry in silence. We demonstrate a statistically significant worse understanding of sentences in the older group against the younger group listening to sentences at level 65 dB SPL in competitive noise at level 65 dB SPL (p = 0.05).

The development of the sentence intelligibility in noise test increased the possibilities of audiological examination by another test, which was up to now missing in the Czech language.