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Textus and Metaphor of the text as textile/Weaving in Classical times and in Comenius

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


The metaphor of the text as a textile is one of the basic noetic metaphors that enables reflection on linguistic formations - both from the literary and the generally cultural point of view. in Classical times it is recorded as early as Homer's epics. it was not until Late (Roman) Antiquity that the word textus, derived from the verb texere "to weave", was established on its basis as the terminological description of (written) text - until that time this expression belonged to the peripheral vocabulary of Latin and had various meanings such as material, textile, net, structure, order, etc. the terminologisation of the word textus did not however cause the disappearance of these earlier meanings. in contrast to this, Comenius uses the word only in the meaning of text and does not associate it with the metaphor of text as textile/weaving, for which he reserves the expression textura. Textura and textus thus for him express two aspects of language and text, on the one hand variability and dynamics, on the other firmness and authority.