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Strength programme of exercise on unstable surfaces

Publication at Faculty of Physical Education and Sport |


The issue the strength training effectivennes is getting in the foreground of sport preparation. In our work we sought to verify the affecting the efficiency of a Strength programme of exercise on unstable surfaces for stimulation of strength endurance abilities, compared to a similar didactic programme conducted on stable surfaces, thus creating an alternative choice for coaches, teachers, and sports instructors.

The research sample consisted of males (non-competitive athletes) aged 21-35 years (n = 75). Probands were randomly assigned to three groups.

Experimental factor represented a specifics intervention program strength (exercises on unstable surfaces supporting exercises on a stable platform, free exercise program). Intervention Force program lasted 10 weeks and included 22 intervention units.

A major element of the didactic process is the quality of the strength training programme on stable and unstable surfaces. When evaluating the overall results of the tests before and after the experimental programme, we come to be of the opinion that the experimental programme manifested itself positively in effectiveness of stimulating strength abilities.

The strength programme had an influence on increasing the persistence of strength in dynamic and static regimens. In the case of a strengthening programme on unstable surfaces there was a tendency towards greater growth in the number of repetitions as opposed to programme on a stable base at the beginning of the programme in the case of exercise in a dynamic regimen.

Next, we study focuses on the comparison of strength training on unstable and stable surfaces and its impact on the quality of activation DSS. Based on our results we can conclude that both alternatives are similarly effective workout.

Based on our result we found that strength intervention on unstable and stable platforms had positive effect on the duality of DSS activation.