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A simple, time-saving, microwave-assisted periodic acid-Schiff's staining of glycoproteins on 1D electrophoretic gels

Publication at Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen |


We introduce an optimized periodic acid-Schiff's staining of glycoproteins on 1D electrophoretic gels. Thanks to heating in a household microwave oven the protocol of standard periodic acid-Schiff's staining has been accelerated from 6 h to below 10 min employing standard chemistry.

At the same time, we show that the microwave-assisted glycoprotein staining is at least as sensitive as the conventional approach. All glycoproteins stained by the microwave-accelerated procedure were successfully identified using MALDI TOF/TOF mass spectrometry.

The ensuing reduction in gel staining time and simplification of the staining protocol should significantly increase laboratory throughput when glycoprotein detection on electrophoretic gels is required in large numbers.