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Selected comments on the FOURIER study

Publication at First Faculty of Medicine |


The FOURIER study included 27,564 very high-risk cardiovascular patients and in a well-designed and conducted study tested an anti-PCSK9 monoclonal antibody - evolocumab - against placebo on the background of optimised contemporary cardiovascular therapy. The study ended after a median follow-up of 2.2 year with a positive impact on the primary (HR 0.85) as well as secondary (HR 0.80) endpoints.

Safety analysis did not show any unexpected risks and the therapy was very well tolerated by the study subjects. The results of the study provide a vast amount of material that helps us define the place of evolocumab and PCSK9 inhibitors in the treatment of patients at high and very high cardiovascular risk.

Of course, we can expect a number of subsequent analyses of the data to be published and discussed as they become available. As of today, we have already seen a number of questions related to the FOURIER study results, some of which will be discussed in this paper.