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The Law of the Lord in Five Books of Moses

Publication at Catholic Theological Faculty |


In principle the book is a summary about first five books of the Bible, called the law of Moses, determined with a certain overlap even for a broader audience interested. The text of the book is accompanied by small samples of the Hebrew text with translation.

The introduction of the book defines basic terms, the range, the contents and the literary kind of the biblical books and their literary-historical problems ended by relatively wide history of exegesis focused on the current state of research. The next three chapters deal with large sections of the biblical narrative of the Torah, in sequence the "history" of the beginnings, the stories of the patriarchs in the narrative cycles and finally the stories of Moses and his people about a confrontation with the Egyptian pharaoh and about the stay in the desert on their way to the Promised Land.

The narration is logically followed by the legislation with the emphasis on the Ten Commandments, the treaty nad the three big legal codes in the books of the Torah. The conclusion briefly evaluates the impacts of the Torah to other biblical books and traditions, especially Jewish and Christian.

The book presents the most transparently to the current state of the Christian interpretation of the Testament and from this point of view deals with both large literary units and exegesis of some key biblical texts various by range and depth. It can be suitable for the systematic study, as well as an overview of basic theological lines and terms in the Torah.