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Analysis of the specific strengthening exercises for the softball pitches using surface electromyography

Publication at Faculty of Physical Education and Sport |


The aim of this paper is to compare selected strengthening exercises with softball pitches using two methods - surface electromyography (MEGAWIN 6000) and 3D kinematic analysis (Qualisys). This is a case study of a descriptive type, the proband was the player at the top level from the Czech major league and the Czech national team.

The measurements were aimed at examining the similarities and differences in strengthening exercises (specific leap, lunge, long lunge and outputs) in relation to softball pitches. The basic method was triangulation of these methods.

As kinematic parameter we chose the speed of movement in space: free variables - the tip of the foot, ankle and knee. For comparison of the size of the EMG activity of observed muscles we were used a comparison with the target motion (pitch), where the results were indicated by 100%.

We used the percentage intensity using MVC only for comparing of the intensity of muscle involvement during pitch. Selected strengthening exercises (lunge, long lunge and outputs) meet the requirements for preventive strengthening in terms of reducing the risk of injury.

At the same time it can also positively influence the performance of pitch and so we classify them into general strength exercises. "Exercise specific jump" can be recommended as a specific strengthening exercises of high intensity, the use of which is governed by rules for training explosive strength.