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School education in France

Publication at Faculty of Education |


Analytical comparative study School education in France is the 7th publication in the series School education abroad. The monograph follows the structure of previously published books, methodologically, besides the desk research, it is based on primary empirical data collected by the authors through observations in school classes or interviewss with various stakeholders of the education system (teachers, principals, inspectors...).

It stresses the main topics connected to school education. Czech authors provide the "ousiders' perspective" on the french education system (chapters dealing with education policy, charactersitics of education system, teachers' profession, curriculum, evaluation, equity in education, language education and specifically education in overseas territories), the "insider's" view is provided by a reknowned french researcher and socioogist of education Jean-Yves Rochex, who focuses in the last chapter on the evolution and a current state of educational inequalities in France.

The publication contributes to the field of comparative education and brings systematically arranged information about the country, whose specifics and problems in education are not well known to the Czech readers. It is intended for researchers and experts in the field of education, teachers and students of the Facultes of educatioin and other faculties preparing future teachers, representatives of the Ministry of education, youth and sports of the Czech Republic and other staff in the public administration who deal with education.