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The Issues in Methodology and Data Interpretation in studies of tourist attraction's attendance: tour routes

Publication at Faculty of Science |


The attendance belongs to the basic tourism quantitative indicators. Knowledge about number of visits has a big substantiation in the area of scientific research, destination management, education and media.

Therefore the use of comparable methodology is appropriate before interpretation of corresponding data. There are a lot of methodological and interpretational problems.

This article focuses on the particle question of tourist attractions with more tour routes. The prime aim of this article is to discuss this topic and throughout the analysis to put forward the recommendation, that allows for the reality and brings the best comparison.

The result is to work with separate counting of tour routes. These can have different focuses and therefore they can motivate different visitors, who often use more exhibits during one visit.

These data should be used by destination management. Author replenishes the open data with his own case study of situation in chateau Hořovice (with internal data and own questionnaire survey from the summer of 2015).

During the study people visited 1.7 of tour route per person in average.