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Parameters influencing word problems difficulty

Publication at Faculty of Education |


The paper presents the methodology and preliminary results of a 3-year project GAČR 16-06134S Context problems as a key to the application and understanding of mathematical concepts. The project aims to identify linguistic, psychological and mathematical parameters of context problems influencing their difficulty, describe those influences on primary school pupils' success and the relationships between levels of linguistic and mathematical competence at different ages.

Via linguistic, psychological and mathematical analyses of word problems in textbooks, international mathematical surveys and existing research results, about 71 linguistic psychological and structural parameters influencing word problems difficulty were identified. Seven parameters have been selected for the first stage of research: Pa.

Formulation of numerical information in words or in numerals, Pb. (Mis)leading triads of numbers, Pc. Functional relationships, Pd.

Order of information, Pe. Presence of false implication, Pf.

Length of the text, Pg. Several levels of communication.

Pairs of word problems differing in only one of the parameters have been created. They will be used with pupils of Grade 3 through to 9 from four Prague primary schools to find out how exactly the parameters influence the success rate of pupils and their solving strategies and mistakes.

After presenting a theoretical framework consisting of word problems and related research, the paper concentrates on the methodology of research and presents illustrations of pairs of word problems differing in one parameter. For each parameter, we hypothesise how it will influence the solution and success rates.

Finally, possible uses and implications of future research results are give