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Czech Catholic Literature in Contexts 1945-1989

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The final volume of systematic description of Catholicism in modern Czech culture (first volume 1848-1918, second volume 1918-1945): 1/ The European and American context - development of the Catholic milieu 1945-1989 (with an emphasis on the movement toward II Vaticanum and on the restaurationism) 2/ The political and social context of the development of Czech Catholic milieu under communist regime: repressions, collaborationism, revival in sixties, "normalization". 3/ The rise of "Silver" literary generation ("Slavíkovci"). 4/ The Catholic exile after 1948: Catholic institutions, poetics of exile, influence of II Vaticanum, ecumenism. 5/ The Catholic literary generation of sixties, "dispersed" in the context of neo-avanguardist and experimental literature. 6/ The tolerated "grey zone" of seventies, strategies of survival, the "bronze" generation. 7/ The unofficial Church structures and their statement toward literary culture. 8/ The spiritual inclinations and religious conversions in the dissident milieu. 9/ Excentric religiosity of the underground. 10/ The Catholic exile after 1968: restaurationist move. 11/ Antimodern and postmodern move in the religious and cultural thought in eighties. 12/ Neo-spiritualism in the poetry in eighties.