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Domestic Dimension of a Divided's Society Cultural Diplomacy


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When considering the effect of foreign cultural representation on domestic society, it seems that the perception of the complex situation as a zero-sum game makes cultural diplomacy one of tools of influence appropriated by each of the actors in a way advantageous solely for one side. As such, opening it also to the representatives of the other group(s) makes it difficult due to internal as well as external pressures.

The mentality of enmity thus penetrates culture as well and cultural divisions in the end only enforce the other kinds of divisions. Testimonies of multiple artists, as well as my own, testify to the fact, though, that common contact might not lead to agreement, but the lack of it indeed leads to dehumanization of the other side.

Therefore, despite the fact that cultural diplomacy might become a field of exclusion, injustice and disparity in representation, the paper argues that it should be still considered a domain of encounters, while its specifics should be considered separately under each circumstance.