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Publication at Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen, First Faculty of Medicine |


The monography presents in a comprehensive way the actual diagnostic and therapeutic principles in oral surgery. The target audience is both the dental and medical students but at the same time, dentist and general practitioners can find useful information here.

Starting with clinical examination, x-ray and other modern imaging techniques, the entire diagnostic chain is presented on different diagnosis groups. Dental surgery risk and oral health conditions in medically compromised patients is discussed.

Up to date information on orofacial inflammations of dental origin, bone infections and drug related osteonecrosis of the jaws is given. Orofacial oncology based on the latest WHO 2017 classification in brief gives an outline on the topic.

Salivary gland pathology, orofacial, bone and soft tissue cyst, temporomandibular joint disorders, dental and orofacial trauma, basics of orthognatic surgical procedures and dental implantology and other dentolaveolar surgeries is presented in separate chapters. An extensive number of clinical photographs, x-rays and other imaging, illustrations and drawings are there to support the educational value of this book.