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Quality of life of people with hearing impairment

Publication at Faculty of Education |


The titled The quality of life among hearing impaired people focuses on the current issue regarding the assessment of the quality of life in adult hearing impaired people in the Czech Republic. The conceptual basis of the submitted work is the current professional paradigm, with the emphasis on well-being in the lives of individuals with specific needs.

The text deals with the multidimensional character of the concepts of the quality of life and the quality of life relating to health. It illuminates the subjective and the objective part of this broad and current concept.

One theoretical chapter focuses on the area of hearing impairment in adult people in connection with the aspects which are bound to the quality of life in this part of the population. Mentioned are the personality traits of a hearing impaired person and the current social dilemma, which is connected to hearing loss, and is projected in the overall assesment of the quality of life of the people with this sensory handicap.

One of the sub- chapters of this part of the text focuses on the key factors which influence the personal experience of life quality in the case of hearing loss. The research part of the work deals with method, continuation and assesment of the executed quantitative and qualitative research investigation.

In terms of the quantitative examination two questionaires were used (the author's questionaire and the questionaire of the World Health Organisation and Disabilities module. The qualitative part of the research proceeded in the form of open written expressions, when respondents shared what the concept quality life means to them.

The compiled data were comprehensively, methodologically and statistically compiled. The results of the executed examination point out partial changes in the perception and the experience of the quality of life in the case of the presence of hearing impairment.

The comprehensive evaluation of the problems deal with, however does not indicate significant changes as compared to the majority population.