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The Reflection of Interaction Styles of Physical Education Teachers in Elementary School

Publication at Faculty of Physical Education and Sport |


The goal of the paper is the analysis of PE teachers' interaction styles in primary school as the reflection of intentional as well as non-intentional influencing the pupil, the reflection of the real attitudes to education, emotinal manifestotions among teachers and pupils etc. In the paper we present the analysis of PE teachers' interaction styles in primary school using the Questionnaire on Teacher Interaction (QTI).

The QTI questionnaire diagnoses altogether eight sectors. Each sector is equivalent to the certain type of interaction.

The results indicates that the dominance and the submissivity among PE teachers in elementary school are in ballance and we find out only small differences between men and women in their interaction and communication style. Among PE teachers in elementary school prevail positive interaction styles and with the respect to particular scores we can consider that PE teachers are more likely satisfied with their interaction.

Pupils percieve their teacher in a very similar way, i.e. they are in consensus with teachers self-evaluation.