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Economic value of ecosystem services in Protected Landscape Areas in the Czech Republic

Publication at Faculty of Humanities |


This study aims to explore spatially explicit economic values of ecosystem services provided by ecosystems and habitats in 25 Protected Landscape Areas (PLAs) in the Czech Republic, with a more detailed overview of three selected PLAs (Beskids Mountains, Český les Mountains and Odra River Basin). In the methodology, combination of the Consolidated Layer of Ecosystems of the Czech Republic (CLES) and the EKOSERV database allowed us to utilize the ecosystem and economic valuation data in a specific geographic context using a GIS-based approach.

The total value of ecosystem services in all 25 PLAs reached EUR 51 billion/year, with the surface area significantly influencing the total average value of a particular PLA. When transformed to value per unit area, the values varied from EUR1.2 to EUR6.5 million/km2/year.

The results suggest a dominant role of forest ecosystems in the composition of the economic value provided by ecosystem services in the PLAs. Economic valuation of benefits provided by protected areas can help to realize the social importance of these sites and to support policy and decision-making processes.