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Playwright Ladislav Stroupežnický: author of comedies (Naši furianti etc.) and historical plays

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


The one work from the oeuvre of the first Czech realistic playwright that continues to be staged to this day is the comedy Naši furianti; the principal value of this comedy is that it introduced to the stage a realistic picture of a typical Czech village and the life of ordinary village people in the second half of the 19th century. One of the major features of the comic dialogues between the overly confident fellows ("furianti") is realistic language: Stroupežnický endowed his villagers with a real combination of Common Czech and words typical of regions in south-western Bohemia, with one of the characters speaking the dialect associated with the Chodsko region.

Stroupežnický's other play set in his own day whose characters and their social differences are characterized by realistic descriptions and distinctive language features is Václav Hrobčický z Hrobčic. In his two historical comedies, Zvíkovský rarášek and Paní mincmistrová, Stroupežnický, having been inspired by reading Paměti (Memoirs) by the Renaissance scholar Mikuláš Dačický z Heslova (1555-1626), made an interesting attempt at stylizing the Czech language as it was used in Dačický's day.