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Optomechanical oscillator controlled by variation in its heat bath temperature

Publication at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


We propose a generation of a low-noise state of optomechanical oscillator by a temperature-dependent force. We analyze the situation in which a quantum optomechanical oscillator (denoted as themembrane) is driven by an external force (produced by the piston).

Both systems are embedded in a common heat bath at certain temperature T. The driving force the piston exerts on the membrane is bath temperature dependent.

Initially, for T = T-0, the piston is linearly coupled to the membrane. The bath temperature is then reversibly changed to T not equal T-0.

The change of temperature shifts the membrane, but simultaneously also increases its fluctuations. The resulting equilibrium state of the membrane is analyzed from the point of view of mechanical, as well as of thermodynamic, characteristics.

We compare these characteristics of membrane and derive their intimate connection. Next, we cool down the thermal noise of the membrane, bringing it out of equilibrium, still being in the contact with heat bath.

This cooling retains the effective canonical Gibbs state with the effective temperature T*. In such case we study the analogs of the equilibrium quantities for low-noise mechanical states of the membrane.