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Observations of paleopathological changes in the skeletons from the Pohansko second church cemetery

Publication at Faculty of Science |


In this section we present a catalogue of gross pathological observations and general stress indicators from the skeletons of the second church of Pohansko. For observations of pathological changes, a combination of various recommendations and methods was applied.

The skeletons were examined systematically by macroscopic techniques, where pathological changes and general stress markers are described for the skull, dentition and postcranium. The skulls were investigated for signs of fractures or trauma, destructive or new bone formation, endocranial meningeal reactions, parasinal sinus infections, cribra orbitalia and cribra cranii.

Periodontal disease and tooth loss, carious lesions, calculus and enamel hypoplasia were recorded for the jaws and dentition. The postcranial remains were examined for skeletal lesions of infection and periosteal new bone formation, as well as for signs of injury such as fracture or trauma.

In addition, osteoarthritic changes of the large and small joints were investigated and the vertebral column was inspected for signs of degenerative disc disease and osteoarthritic changes of the apophyseal joints. Beyond general description of preservation, taphonomical changes or signs of manipulation of the skeletons are given.