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A Flow Gating Interface for Capillary Electrophoresis

Publication at Faculty of Science |


Flow gating interface is very effective tool for connection between the individual methods in the 2D analytical systems. It is used not only in tandem analytical methods, but with advantage also for injecting samples into capillaries in classical electrophoretic systems, especially in systems with short separation capillaries.

In the present contribution, the basic geometrical arrangements of the flow gating interface are presented and their properties are discussed. Their practical utilization is demonstrated on the sequence monitoring of the reaction between the antidiabetic drug phenyl biguanide and the glycation agent methyl glyoxal; the reaction solution was continuously sampled by a microdialysis probe and was injected into a separation capillary at certain time intervals.

The results of determination of lithium in mineral water and taurine in an energy drink obtained using electrophoresis with short separation capillary are also presented.