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The concept of humanity in Comenius' educational philosophy as a contribution towards the future of humankind

Publication at Faculty of Education, Third Faculty of Medicine |


J. A Comenius considers humanity to be one of the permanent and determining values of humankind.

For him, humanity is not only the goal and basic ethical value but also the means of the functioning of the "well-ordered society". Human being is not human by birth but is born with the innate ability to become human.

In order to adopt humanity, the human needs leadership and nurturing through which he develops the innate human abilities differentiating him from other beings. It is the development of reason, speech, work activities and feelings.

Nurture therefore prevents human from changing into a non-human. That is why Comenius requests that schools become workshops of humanity (officinae humanitatis), creating harmonically educated human beings.

Such education also includes the search for ways of returning humanity to a human being that has lost it. Humanity is not a permanent set of features, it needs to be maintained continuously.

This is the basis of his concept of schools of life offering a platform for sustainability of humanity. According to Comenius, humankind appears to be undergoing a crisis threatening it as a whole.

Humanity thus ceases to be just a state of soul but it becomes the equipment of those who shall amend human affairs. Comenius supposes that this process will be characterized by diversity and will be the source of social inventions that will lead the society forward but only if it is implemented in harmony with the principles of humanity