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Renewable energy sources evaluation: Regional Impact Assessment Framework (RegioIAF)

Publication at Faculty of Humanities |


A European Union directive set as a goal that renewable energy sources have a 20% share in final energy consumption by 2020. The Czech Republic has committed to fulfil the goal of 13%.

This aim increases the demand for renewable energy, which means construction of more renewable sources is necessary. This is associated with both positive and negative externalities, however.

Mayors of the municipalities face a decision whether or not to support any given renewable energy source and they need to consider all the possible impacts. Impact assessment methodologies currently in use focus on particular areas of evaluation but their evaluations are not comprehensive.

This study presents an overall framework designed to help the mayors or potential renewable energy source investors with the decision-making process. The Regional Impact Assessment Framework (RegioIAF) includes all important effects connected to the operation of renewables: employment, regional gross domestic product, costs and revenues for the municipality, environmental impacts, and secondary impacts (e.g. energy prices, business environment).

Based on the framework, each mayor can decide whether a given energy source is or is not suitable and efficient for the municipality.