Diabetic patients are a frequently educated group of patients. A survey performed in 366 pharmacies in March 2016 found interesting data relating, among others, to the patients' knowledge about healthy life style and transfer of theoretical findings from education to practice.
It has followed from the survey that the life style of diabetic patients who have most probably been educated several times is not healthier than that of non-diabetic people. We thus face the question as to whether the education is performed correctly.
Education is obviously an important part of diabetes therapy as the disease management depends, to a large extent, on the patient's active approach and their willingness to adhere to the proposed regimen and pharmacological measures. The text includes some thoughts about the current way of education and its actual impact on the life style of patients suffering from a disease in which lifestyle change plays an essential role.
The aim of the article is also to outline the principle of modern education of diabetic patients aimed at strengthening the patient's responsibility and motivation. The patient's adherence to nutritional recommendations is markedly increased by clarification of the diabetes mechanism and explanation of the influence of regimen measures to the disease management, plus an individual approach to the patient.