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Information War

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


The publication focuses on the issues of information warfare, which, in itself, is not a new phenomenon but, thanks to social and above all technological change, is now a more important tool of warfare than ever before. In the past, people have never had such effective communication tools, but they have also never been so vulnerable in the information environment.

Information and action on them, through them or in their environment, has become crucial for waging war and military operations. The book explains warfare in the information environment and describes the specifics of the war in the information age.

At the beginning of the book, the issue of information action in the war is first embedded in the wider framework of warfare and its development. Examples of historical sources and concepts of three civilization waves and four generations of modern warfare were used.

The description of the development of the environment also indicates the possible nature of the war in the future. The main part of the book describes the information environment, propaganda and its development, strategic communication, information operations and cyberwar.

In view of the today's Russian information activity towards the Czech Republic and its allies, the Russian Federation's approach to information warfare is described for the Czech reader in more detail in a separate chapter.