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Publication at Faculty of Education |


This publication concentrates on visual perception, especially on visual memory and related attention in children and pupils with hearing impairment, which from the theoretical point of view represents the most important compensatory sense for this group of people. The main part of the publication consists in presenting the results of a research survey observing the levels of visual perception and attention in children and pupils in the age group 6 to 8 years old, as well as on comparing them with results achieved by a group of hearing children and pupils of the same age range.

For realization of research were choosen four subtests focused on the current state of visual memory and attention. These subtests constitute a part of two standardized tests.

The following analysis of the gained data was used to validate our hypotheses regarding the influence of the compensatory mechanism applied when processing visual inputs by people with hearing impairment existing on the level of the central nervous system. Furthermore, the paper provides processed and commented data gained from questionnaires destined for teachers.

These questionnaires pursue the evaluation of communicative and learning competencies of the tested study participants. The objective of the research is to verify if the group of children and pupils with hearing impairment demonstrates better results as to visual memory and attention. when compared to the group of their hearing peers.

Besides, we wanted to see if these results correspond with the evaluation of communicative and learning competencies made by teachers working with the children and pupils with hearing impairment.