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Ethical dilemas of history teachers or how to teach about controversial historical epochs?

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The survey paper is focused on History teachers and their decision making while school History teaching. The paper leaves out the content of History schoolwork and the issue of History textbooks.

It focuses on ethical aspects of the most recent history teaching after the change of political regime in a particular country occurs. The paper searches for the answers to the following three questions: 1. what the teachers' process of planning their teaching is like, and the most recent history teaching as such, 2. how teachers cope with controversial issues included in the schoolwork, 3. what types of ethical dilemmas teachers have to deal with, and the process while doing so.

The paper is divided into five parts. In the first part, the functions of historical sciences and History in society are mentioned.

The second part summarizes outcomes of three current researches on what the process of school History teaching really is like in Czech primary and secondary schools. The third part explains two important terms: internally divided society and the controversial issues with which society and school History teaching deal.

The fourth part characterises the key term of the whole survey paper - the ethical dilemma. The last, fifth, part points out that even other countries in which the change of political regime leads to democracy have to face similar issues.

The paper also focuses on the experience with new planning of school History teaching in Spain, Northern Ireland and Chile. The conclusion answers the three research questions mentioned above.