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Construction of the optical part of a time-of-flight detector prototype for the AFP detector

Publication at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


We present the construction of the optical part of the ToF (time-of-flight) subdetector prototype for the AFP (ATLAS Forward Proton) detector. The ToF detector in conjunction with a 3D silicon pixel tracker will tag and measure protons originating in central exclusive interactions p + p -> p + X + p, where the two outgoing protons are scattered in the very forward directions.

The ToF is required to reduce so-called pileup backgrounds that arise from multiple proton interactions in the same bunch crossing at high luminosity. The background can fake the signal of interest, and the extra rejection from the ToF allows the proton tagger to operate at the high luminosity required for measurement of the processes.

The prototype detector uses fused silica bars emitting Cherenkov radiation as a relativistic particle passes through it. The emitted Cherenkov photons are detected by a micro-channel plate multi-anode Photomultiplier Tube (MCP-PMT) and processed by fast electronics. (C) 2016 Optical Society of America