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A histological analysis of artificial skin in an extensively burned child, 14 years after application: a case report

Publication at Third Faculty of Medicine |


Introduction: Artificial skin has become the treatment of choice in extensive, full-thickness thermal injuries. The longest follow-up of the healing process in burn sites covered with the Integra Bilayer Matrix Wound Dressing onto the wound published to date was at around five years after application.

In our case report, we describe the clinical and histological analysis of an extensive, full-thickness thermal injury 14 years on from treatment with the bilayer matrix wound dressing. Case study: A nine-year-old boy suffered a full-thickness skin loss over 85% of his body surface area following a fire accident.

The bilayer matrix wound dressing was used on both legs and covered almost 30% of his body surface area. Cosmetic and functional results were satisfactory.

Histological analysis performed nine years after the application of the bilayer matrix wound dressing onto the wound showed a double-layered skin composition with changes in the fibrous component of the dermis. Conclusion: Despite satisfactory short-and long-term clinical results from applications of the bilayer matrix wound dressing, we found important differences in microstructure when compared with the physiological condition.